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Dry Mouth: Uncomfortable and Bad for Your Oral Health

February 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 11:53 pm

Woman with dry mouth drinking water thanks to Fayetteville dentistAn irritated, dry, and parched mouth is an uncomfortable situation that most everyone has experienced at some point in their life. On most occasions, a dry mouth will naturally clear up on its own without any complications. However, a chronic lack of saliva can increase your risk of cavities, encourage gum disease, or even indicate a larger underlying health concern. Read on as your Fayetteville dentist explains what could be causing your mouth to dry up and what you can do to treat it.


How This Common Antibiotic Can Cause Significant Dental Staining

January 13, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 12:43 am

A woman covering her mouth.

There’s a good chance you were treated using tetracycline as a child, but what you and your parents probably didn’t know is that it can cause very obvious stains on the teeth. At the time, it was used to treat a wide variety of infections. If you notice gray, yellow, or brown staining on your tooth enamel, it can make it difficult to smile in front of those around you. According to a dentist in Fayetteville, there are many causes for stained teeth, but tetracycline often doesn’t get enough attention. Here’s what you should know about the connection to stained teeth and what you can do to resolve your stains.


What Does Your Dental Insurance Normally Cover?

October 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 5:02 pm

blue piggy bank on top of dentures with blue background

With another year coming to a close, that means that more of your dental insurance benefits are about to expire. If you haven’t utilized all of your benefits yet, you still have some time, but only a couple of months. That means that now is the perfect time to use them. But first let’s answer this question: what does your dental insurance normally cover?


Your Emergency Dentist in Fayetteville Lets You Know When You Need a Root Canal

July 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 6:56 pm

diagram of root canal

When you think of scary dental procedures, you probably think of a root canal. They have a reputation as the most painful thing your dentist can do. However, they’re actually not painful at all. In fact, they can relieve pain. If you are going through severe dental discomfort, you might end up needing one to alleviate your symptoms. How do you know when you need a root canal? Your emergency dentist in Fayetteville, NY is here to clear things up.


Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Treat a Cavity with Your Dentist in Fayetteville

April 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 6:22 pm

woman tooth pain

During your dental checkup appointment with your dentist in Fayetteville, they inform you that you have a cavity. But you don’t feel any pain. You’re thinking it’s just a small cavity, so is it really important to address right away? Can you put off treating it until later? The choice is ultimately yours, but waiting too long to resolve your cavity can have serious and significant effects down the road. It’s easier and safer to treat tooth decay early on. In this post, learn more about the potential outcomes of postponing this essential treatment. (more…)

Your Dentist in Fayetteville Discusses the Costly Effects of Putting Off Your Tooth Fillings

February 2, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 12:39 pm

person holding jaw in painIt can become easy to procrastinate, especially when you have so many other things on your mind. But when you put off treating health issues like filling a cavity, it can turn into something much bigger. But getting it taken care of right away can prevent you from getting even more. Your dentist in Fayetteville gives you reasons you shouldn’t be dragging your feet on scheduling that appointment for the filling you need.


A Dentist in Fayetteville Explains Risk Factors for Tooth Decay

January 6, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 7:53 pm

Man and woman brushing teethNobody wants to hear that dreaded phrase, “You have a cavity.” A cavity is a small hole that develops in your tooth enamel. It can lead to pain, sensitivity, further decay, and even more serious dental issues. Unfortunately, over 90% of US adults have at least one cavity, making it an increasingly common problem. Thankfully, your dentist in Fayetteville knows which habits and lifestyle choices put you at risk for tooth decay as well as some steps you can take to prevent it in the first place.


Your Dentist in Fayetteville Explains DIY Cavity Treatment

December 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 9:49 pm

Man with tooth pain.No one wants to get a cavity, but did you know that around 90% of the US adult population has at least one cavity in a permanent tooth? Having a cavity is a problem that should be treated by a dentist, but many people are now turning to ways to get rid of them at home until they can get in to see their dentist. Keep reading to learn about the different ways people use DIY cavity treatments and why you should still see a dentist in Fayetteville.


Do I Have a Cavity? Your Dentist in Fayetteville Explains How to Know

November 25, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 6:05 pm

woman holding jaw in painYou’ve heard about it since childhood; yet it is still causing havoc. It is the primary enemy of your dental wellness, and usually, it’s this simple yet caustic character that is the catalyst to your oral health woes. We’re referring to the cavity, and as you continue reading, your dentist in Fayetteville explains what signs to lookout for that you have one.


Why You Should See Your Dentist in Fayetteville Before 2018 Is Over

November 17, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — lyndonfamilydental @ 6:59 pm

Smiling dental patientSeeing your dentist in Fayetteville before the end of 2018 is a great way to get the most benefit from your dental coverage. Even basic services like an oral checkup and cleaning can catch problems in their earliest stages and prevent serious trouble later.


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