If you’ve had dentures for a while, you’ve likely gotten used to them. The devices may even feel normal enough that you don’t often think of trying other options. Even so, attaching dentures to dental implants makes a difference for your smile. Doing so leads to a more lifelike smile, boosting your quality of life as a result. For more details, read on to learn the downsides of dentures and why implant dentures are better.
The Downsides of (Regular) Dentures
For the record, dentures tend to work well; dentists wouldn’t offer them otherwise. Still, these prosthetics do come with downsides.
Remember, regular dentures rely on suction. They create a vacuum that keeps your new teeth in place when they fit over your gums. However, this suction force doesn’t always secure dentures as snugly and firmly as it should. It can often weaken over time, causing the prosthetics to slip or fall from your mouth. That’s why patients sometimes need special adhesives to stabilize their dentures.
Implant Dentures & Their Upsides
Unlike the regular sort, an implant denture doesn’t depend on suction. Its placement method is much steadier, allowing your new “teeth” to act more lifelike.
You see, implant dentures use dental implants – metal posts that fuse with your jaw. To that extent, they’re held in place more firmly and securely than regular models. Since the posts become permanent parts of your mouth, implant dentures won’t slip around or fall from your mouth.
It’s clear that stable dentures are better than unstable ones. After all, they let you eat, speak, and smile without stress or worry. That means implant dentures benefit your everyday life more!
Who Can Qualify for Implant Dentures?
Even if you’re eager for implant dentures, you can’t get them super quickly. You’ll need to qualify for them first and see if you’re suited for treatment. In other words, a dentist must check whether implant dentures are right for you.
It isn’t hard to learn if you’re a good implant denture candidate. At a consultation, a dentist can give you an oral exam to see if your gum and jaw tissues are healthy enough. These things are crucial for implant dentures – they ensure your mouth can support dental implants well.
In the end, attaching dentures to dental implants makes a difference. Keep that in mind and ask your dentist about trying an implant denture!
About the Practice
Lyndon Family Dental is based in Fayetteville, NY, and is led by Drs. Rinoldo and Reid. At our practice, each patient gets the smile they deserve through comprehensive dentistry. That means we offer preventive, cosmetic, and restorative work, as well as treatments for dental emergencies. Our team is even prepared to restore grins with quality implant dentures! For more details or to book a visit, please reach us on our website or by phone at (315)-449-0711.